Benedict's new Feathers bracket on the wall in Lucy Mayers' London flat
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Boz Gagovski
It's no really secret that I love a wall bracket! When I started designing and making frames during lock down I knew at the back of my mind that if I survived the perils of our dining table being both office and workshop brackets were something I needed to come back to. Never one to set myself a short task I've ended up producing three brackets recently - but whilst I knew that many others enjoyed this quite particular form of wall ornament I'd never really stopped to examine why? House & Garden posed the question recently and so I decided to call on a few well known designers to see what if anything was the consensus, and also to reflect a little on my own interest.
I think my very first foray into wall brackets was realising as a teenager I could cut a very workaday wooden shelf in half and rehang the two parts at different heights. I cant remember now what exactly the objets were that I wanted to put on them, but I do remember being pleased at how giving them literally their own platform seemed to help them speak to each other visually, in a way that side by side on a single surface they didnt.
A parrot sconce elsewhere in Lucy's house
Boz Gagovski
Most of my work starts with good dollop of historical research, I find it both fulfilling personally and generally it gives a greater depth to any project than scraping a few well thumbed online images together. Design minded friends use both wall bracket and sconce almost interchangeably but is there any technical difference? It turned out that mostly in the past it related to what you intend to put on your decorative support, these days I think you can pass muster with either term really - for me design isn't a place for pedantry but to have fun!
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The history of wall brackets is part practical, and partially about setting things apart. In a room with little space or where you want something high up and away from enquiring hands they do the job perfectly, breaking up an expanse of wall in the process, offering their supported contents forward into the room for us to take note of.
A quick whip round a Roman house would probably find a lamp raised on a bracket or possibly a household totem, anyone who's seen a priapic herm will know that the ancients weren't particularly coy about what they put on display, but certainly some things were best put up out of the way!
Our Lady of the Children basilica at Châteauneuf-sur-Cher, France
isogood / Alamy Stock Photo
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